
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

With The Ever-increasing Problem Of Pest Control, It Is Clear That Som

With the ever-increasing problem of pest control, it is clear that some form biological must be implemented in order to help farmers. This biological control must be able to effectively control the pest population, this means not killing them but rather never letting the pest populations get too large. Through computer-simulated programs the Spider Division of Frankenstein, Inc. was able to genetically create a spider that genetically perfect for biological control. This paper will discuss the methods that were taken as well as the results of the Spider Divisions experiment. Introduction Biological control is an important factor if we are to protect and increase our crop production. This paper outlines an experiment that was done by the Spider division of Frankenstein, Inc, in their attempt to create a new and improved form of biological control. The experiment purpose is to genetically manufacture the perfect spider for biological control, the spider will be known as the Paine Killer Spider, which will be genetically perfect for its environment. The genetic factors of the spiders' eyesight, how fast it moves, and how fast it reproduces will be crucially important in its development. These three factors will set the parameters for how well the Paine Killer Spider will perform in its ecosystem. Besides the biological factors, how well the spider interact with other predators, as well as its natural enemies must also be taken in account. For this experiment, the Spider division of Frankenstein, Inc. did extensive research through Ecological journals with subjects on al l types of biological control. Through the Eco Beaker simulation the team at the Spider Division will show that a genetically created spider can and will be successful for biological control purposes. This Eco Beaker simulation effectively simulates the introduction of an insect into an ecosystem for biological control purposes. Materials and Methods In creating the Paine killer Spider, the Eco Beaker simulator proved to be a easy and useful way of a conducting the experiment. By randomly selecting parameters for the spiders' eyesight, speed, and reproduction the Spider Division was we able to come up with numbers that would stabilize the ecosystem and allow for the genetically produced spider and aphids to live together harmoniously. In a matter of hours the Spider Division was able to come up with a set of parameters for the Paine Killer Spider that would allow for perfect biological control. While there could be numerous different combinations that could work for the different parameters, the Spider division found that the Paine Killer Spiders' parameters should be set at; 1 meter for sight; 1.9 meters per day for speed; and a reproduction rate of 1 spider per 2.2 aphids. With these parameters the Paine Killer Spider will have a successful introduction into its ecosystem. Results The Eco Beaker system clearly demonstrated that the Spider Division is capable of producing the "perfect" spider. By mixing in different combinations if genetic parameter, the Eco Beaker system was able to show the negative effects of having to much or little speed, too much or too little eyesight, and too fast or too slow of a reproduction system. By coming up with the combination listed above, the Spider Division clearly demonstrated that the Paine Killer Spider would be able to adapt to its environment and control the aphid population. It will also be able for long periods of time. While this experiment was designed to examine a yearlong period, the Spider Division decided to extend it for three years. The chosen parameters enabled the Paine Killer Spider to control the environment for the whole three years on the Eco Beaker simulator. Through the simulator the spider was very successful in a large crop field, but is very feasible that the spider could be even more successful in a field that is broken up into small sections separated by streams or other barriers. Discussion Why don't farmers just use more pesticides? With aphids continually adapting to pesticides it just not cost effective for the farmers to rely on these pesticides. Framers find themselves losing money and crops in trying to beat the aphids to the punch. Therefore biological control can be a very effective way to control the aphid population. Clearly this experiment shows that genetically manufactured spider can

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Comparación entre la visa K-3 y green card

Comparacià ³n entre la visa K-3 y green card Si eres un ciudadano americano y ests casado con un extranjero que se encuentra fuera de EEUU puedes reclamarlo con una K-3 o con una tarjeta de residencia,  ¿quà © es mejor? Si te has casado y no sabes cul es el camino ms rpido y conveniente para que tu esposo/a venga a los Estados Unidos a vivir contigo como residente permanente legal lee esta comparativa antes de decidir quà © hacer. Elementos comunes a la K-3 y a la solicitud de la tarjeta de residencia para un esposo mediante el formulario I-130 En ambos casos tà º, el ciudadano americano, tienes que enviar la solicitud al Servicio de Ciudadanà ­a e Inmigracià ³n (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Si la aprueba, contactar directamente con el consulado correspondiente.El consulado citar a tu esposo/a para una entrevista y ser el oficial consular el que decida si aprueba la solicitud de visa K-3 o de la tarjeta de residencia, segà ºn la peticià ³n que tà º le presentaste al USCIS. Quà © pasa si solicitas una K-3 para tu cà ³nyuge La K-3 una visa que permite al esposo/a de un ciudadano americano entrar en Estados Unidos. Una vez aquà ­ deber realizar un ajuste de estatus para conseguir la greencard.  A consecuencia de ello hay que dedicar unos seis meses a esta tramitacià ³n. Quà © pasa si solicitas una tarjeta de residencia Si en la entrevista el oficial consular aprueba la peticià ³n, entonces tu cà ³nyuge recibir una visa de inmigrante para entrar en Estados Unidos. Cuando llega a la frontera y le sellan el pasaporte se convierte en residente permanente legal. Y en unos meses recibir por correo ordinario la tarjeta de residencia. (pero residente es desde el momento en que entra a Estados Unidos).  ¿Cul es la ventaja y desventaja de la K-3 sobre la peticià ³n del permiso de residencia? Hubo un tiempo en el que las K-3 se tramitaban de una manera ms rpida y por eso habà ­a quien las preferà ­a para acortar el tiempo en el que los esposos permanecà ­an separados. Sin embargo,  hoy en dà ­a esto ya no es asà ­. El tiempo de demora de las tarjetas de residencia para los esposos de los ciudadanos que se encuentran en otro paà ­s varà ­a entre los seis meses y el aà ±o, en la mayorà ­a de los casos. Depende en gran medida de la oficina del USCIS que tramite la peticià ³n y del consulado en el que tiene lugar la entrevista. Otra desventaja de la K-3 que puede afectar a algunas parejas es que la entrevista consular ha de realizarse en el paà ­s en el que se celebrà ³ la boda (excepto si es Estados Unidos, en cuyo caso tendr lugar en el consulado del paà ­s en el que viva el novio extranjero). Por ejemplo, si una pareja donde la novia es de Estados Unidos y el novio de Colombia deciden casarse en Parà ­s durante un viaje romntico, tienen que saber que la entrevista para el visado no va a tener lugar en ningà ºn consulado colombiano, sino en uno francà ©s. Asà ­ que habrà ­a que viajar a otro paà ­s, con el consiguiente gasto.  ¿Cul es la ventaja de pedir directamente la tarjeta de residencia? Que el cà ³nyuge extranjero se convierte en residente nada ms pisar suelo de los Estados Unidos y ser procesado por un oficial de Inmigracià ³n en la aduana. No es necesario realizar un ajuste de estatus. Y como el tiempo de tramitacià ³n se ha reducido y se asemeja al de las visas K-3, realmente la opcià ³n ms ventajosa en la mayorà ­a de los casos es la de reclamar una tarjeta de residencia para el cà ³nyuge extranjero. A tener en cuenta Tanto en los casos de visas K-3 como de peticiones de tarjetas de residencia, la greencard ser condicional por dos aà ±os si los esposos llevan menos de dos aà ±os casados. Toma este test de respuestas mà ºltiples sobre la tarjeta de residencia.  ¡Te ayudar a evitar cometer errores! Documentos para realizar las peticiones En ambos casos necesitas rellenar la planilla (forma) I-130. Una vez que es aprobada por el USCIS (te lo notificar con un documento conocido como I-797), si deseas seguir el camino de la visa K-3 debers rellenar el formulario I-129F, incluir una copia del I-797 y enviarlo a la oficina de Dallas del USCIS.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Opportunity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Opportunity - Essay Example Success does not depend on how hard a person works but how appropriate a person works. Opportunities therefore present us with chance to work appropriately in order to meet our objectives and responsibilities. This essay will therefore discuss the availability of opportunities in America with emphasis on American students. As a country, America started with the American dream that was initiated by the great pioneers and founders of the nation. Through the American dream, the country has been able to achieve its current success and global position. Working towards a sustainable nation was part of the American dream that has helped the country attains its global position as the most prosperous nation and the country with the strongest economy. How much the country has lived the dream is questionable due to the current economic difficulties experienced in the country (Colombo, Cullen, & Lisle, 1992). These economic difficulties not only affect the country but also the entire world since America is a symbol of global economy. Americans and specifically the American students have the chance to prove to the world that America is capable of living the American dream. Currently there are numerous opportunities for the people and specifically the students to make this reality. Presently the country is recoveri ng from a financial crisis and it is a concern to the government and the world. The recession presents an excellent opportunity to American students to defend the American dream. Knowledge is strength; students have acquired a lot of knowledge from their school and education. Although most of this knowledge is theoretical, students have the ability to utilize this knowledge to solve the current financial problem. Finding a solution to the recurring financial crisis is important to the country’s economy as well as the global economy and hence an

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Implications of MRSA on Wound Healing Case Study

The Implications of MRSA on Wound Healing - Case Study Example There have been confirmed reports that patients who are getting admitted to hospitals for the treatment are most affected group due to MRSA infection (Craig Brown, 2006). It was also found that patients who stay for longer period in hospitals are found to be infected with MRSA in higher rate. MRSA also affects the wound healing negatively. Hence the proper nursing treatment techniques and strict maintenance of hygiene is very much needed for effective cure of MRSA. It has been found in the research studies that MRSA worsens the conditions of wound healing and hence draws attention of medical personnel through out the world. The management of this disease has become more crucial especially in a community set up. The role of base level functionaries like nurses is quite phenomenal in successful management of this disease. Scotland also has a remarkable number of patients suffering from MRSA. It has become a frequent cause of nosocomial infection, its increasing prevalence posing serious therapeutic and infection control problems within the hospital environment. Extended hospitalisation and antibiotic therapy have been identified as additional risk factors for MRSA carriage and infection. It is not exaggerating to comment that MRSA is a major challenge to the burn patient, with potential to cause significant morbidity and mortality. Burn patients have been shown to become colonised and infected more readily than other patient groups. Extensive bu rn injuries are particularly susceptible to infection as a result of the disruption of the normal skin barrier and accompanying depression of immune responses. Microbial surveillance, epidemiological studies and the introduction of strict infection control regimes can definitely reduce the prevalence of MRSA but may be insufficient for eradication or prevention of outbreak situations if not accompanied with community awareness programmes in Scotland. It was found that nearly one fifth of patients who died after surgery in 2005 had developed an infection in hospitals according to a national survey in Scotland. A total of 126 people, 7.6% of those who died after surgery, had MRSA. In 75 of those cases, it was believed to have contributed to the patient's death. The report also revealed that almost half of the patients with MRSA had the infection when they were admitted. This survey was done for a considerably larger ample. There were 301,894 surgical admissions to Scottish hospitals in 2005, with 240,302 patients having an operation. In 17.8% of cases where the patient died after surgery, they had shown a hospital acquired infection (HAI). This can be compared with 23.5% of people who died after surgery in 2004 (MRSA watch, 2006a). These figures, from the Scottish Audit of Surgical Mortality showed an improvement in terms of MRSA management in Scotland in comparison with that of 2004. The implementation of MRSA infection control guidelines by all the nursing staff in Scotland is crucial in reducing the impact of MRSA on wound healing. Reports confirm that NHS Lanarkshire infection control teams have been responding to the problem by working to tackle the issue with a range of initiatives to help combat infection, including specialist infection control

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Theories of Crime Comparison Essay Example for Free

Theories of Crime Comparison Essay While the theory of biological imperatives as the predictor of criminal tendencies or behavior have been mainly relegated to the trash heap of unscientific thought, there is a growing body of research, done in an approved scientific method and backed by years of study that indicates that biology may have a larger role in determining criminal behavior than had been thought. Biological Theory These theories are not to be confused with or equated to Lombroso’s work that pointed to specific physical characteristics that would indicate a predisposition toward criminal behavior. Those theories have rightfully been disposed of and the current theories of biological tendencies toward criminal behavior are relying on the â€Å"hard sciences† of genetics, biochemistry, endocrinology, neuroscience, immunology, and psychophysiology (Fishbein, 2005). The debate between nature and nurture, free will or determinationism, and the adherents to those theories has provided a great deal of material for studies over the years and even with advancing theoretical methodologies, those debates will continue. One of the most interesting biological theories falls into the realm of genetics and whether a predisposition to criminal behavior can be passed from generation to generation through DNA (Fishbein, 2005). Studies have been done, following designated families who seem to show a tendency to fall into lives of crime, tending to prove that genetics may have a major role in determining whether a person will take up criminal behavior. Even observation by the layperson seems to give this theory a greater degree of probability than has been accorded to it in the past. When it is possible to observe directly and from accecdotal evidence that certain families and within those families, certain members are drawn to varying  degrees of lawlessness, the theory of biological imperatives can gain a good deal of support (Marsh, 2009). Scientists have found anomalies in the endocrine systems of those with criminal tendencies which are not present in the systems of those who have not engaged in criminal activity, which leads to the supposition that there is a biological reason for criminal activity. However, this tendency toward criminal activity is hidden from casual view and is not to be seen by observing physical characteristics, as was supposed and posited by Lombroso (Marsh, 2009). Lombroso’s theories of biological characteristics such as low brows, curly hair, skin hue, shape of the nose, mouth, and ears have been thoroughly discredited, but the newer science of biological markers for criminal activities relies on much more sophisticated tests of the inner man or woman, not on the exterior. Such things as tattoos are no longer considered signs of a criminal nature, but are judged on what the tattoo actually depicts and where it was obtained. Certain distinctive markings are definitely gang or jail related, but the majority of those bearing tattoos in today’s society are decorating themselves or commemorating a loved one or important event in their lives (Fishbein, 2005). Sociobiological Theory Sociobiological theory studies the biological basis for social behavior in species. This includes all species, not just the human one, but the findings and observational methods used to observe each species vary only in the physical necessities for observing the species being studied. It would not work well to use the same methodologies to study humans as it would to study elephants, though there is considerable question as to which species is the more civilized (Gottesman, Ronald, nd). The basis for Sociobiological Theory rests in the Positivist and Individual Trait theories propounded by Lombroso, Mednick, Caspi, and Moffitt, but do not limit themselves to the thoughts and findings of those philosophers (Cullen Agnew, 2002). Psychological Theory Psychological theories of criminal behavior and causation concentrate on the mental development or lack thereof in the individual criminal. They first focus on failures in psychological development, such as a weak conscience,  insufficient moral development or maternal deprivation. The next focus is on investigating the ways aggression and violence are the result of learned behaviors, then investigating the personality characteristics of criminals, with the results showing that criminals do tend to be more impulsive, intolerant, and irresponsible than non-criminals. The fourth and final leg upon which psychological theories of crime rests is the relation of criminality to such mental disorders as psychosis and psychopathy (Byrne, 2010). Psychological theory is based on theories with their basis in the Anomie and General Strain theories, developed and expanded upon by Merton, Cohen and Agnew (Cullen Agnew, 2002). It is evolving, as are other theories, with the resulting changes in public â€Å"thought† as well as scientific thought as new aspects to what had been widely believed are discovered and disseminated with in the scientific community as well as by the media to the public. Many philosophers and scientists in the social fields are finding that there is no clear delineation between one theory and another. The research is showing that there is not one particular aspect of any theory that is completely and totally right to the exclusion of all others. Each theory has its strong points and its weak points and the more criminals and criminal activity are studied, the more those doing the studies are finding that there is an overlap between theories. Theories of Biological reasons for criminal activity seem to slide into the Sociobiological field and the Psychological theory seems to fit aspects of both the others, as well as present some thoughts and theories that are exclusively its own, as is true in the two others (Byrne, 2010). Conclusion There is no â€Å"one true answer† to the causes for criminal activity, though the studies to determine what causes it will undoubtedly continue with more findings as more studies are done. It is even possible that there will be a discovery of a genetic reason for some people’s easy slide into criminality, some strange combination of DNA or RNA that predisposes a person for a life of crime. It is assuredly a field that is wide open for new and fascinating discoveries. References Byrne, James, 2010. An Overview of Physiological theories of Crime Causation. Retrieved from http://faculty.uml.edu/jbyrne/44.521/documents/AnOverviewofPsychologicalTheoriesofCrimeCausation.pdf Cullen Agnew, 2002.Criminological Theory Summaries. Retrieved from www.uwec.edu/patchinj/crmj301/theorysummaries.pdf‎ Fishbein, Diana, 2005. Biological Perspectives in Criminology. University of Baltimore. Retrieved from http://www.criminology.fsu.edu/crimtheory/fishbein90.htm Gottesman, Ronald, nd. Violence in America; An Encyclopedia. Retrieved from http://www.haverford.edu/library/reference/mschaus/ICPR281/walsh_sociobiology_acs.pdf Marsh, I., 2009.Theories of the Causes of Crimes. Strategic Policy Briefs. Department of Justice. Retrieved from http://www.justice.govt.nz/justice-sector/drivers-of-crime/documents/spb-theories-on-the-causes-of-crime

Friday, November 15, 2019

Challenges Faced By Abbasid

Challenges Faced By Abbasid The Abbasid Caliphate ruled over the Islamic world, making it one of the influential and longest Islamic dynasties. During the rule of Umayyad, the Abbasids came in a rebellion with the help of coalition of various forces which were unhappy with the rule of Umayyad. Once the Abbasids were in power they continued with many policies that were built by Umayyad. One thing that made unique the Abbasids than the Umayyads was that the Abbasids embrace Persian culture and moved the capital to the new city to the Baghdad while the Abbasid had grown and faced rise as well as fall in the caliphate that are linked to diversity in terms of ethnicities and culture as their openness to Non Muslims also. This period is considered as the most successful and golden age for the Islamic culture. Challenges Faced: In context of fall or challenges faced by Abbasid, author Nigel D. Furlong states that With Kharijite tensions in the government, the rise of the Saffarids, Shiite enemies, and the emerging Qarmatiyyuns, the Abbasid state could not devote the resources necessary to deal with the Zanj revolt until ten years after the Zanj began their military and economic campaign (Rise and Fall, 2008). Under the influence of Abbasids, Baghdad was developed and became the most cultured and the leading city in the world. The literature, art and science were developed under the sponsorship of Caliph Harun al- Rashid and his son, Al-Mamun that created the House of Wisdom. The House of Wisdom was accountable for the translation of knowledge in Arabic from all around the world. With the implementation of such policies, the Abbasids oversaw an Islamic golden age where the learning of many civilizations was expanded and preserved upon. A number of practical innovations took place in different fields such as art, culture, and technical but major improvement was noticed in the field of agriculture. Many new techniques and methods were implemented in order to reduce the labor needs. At the same time, import and export trade process was enhanced and such Islamic innovation continued even as the government of Abbasid fell into the confusion. Gradually, under the governorship of Emirs and of mil itary that controlled the caliphs, Abbasid power became weakened and began to face several challenges (The Abbasid Dynasty: The Golden Age of Islamic Civilization). During the period of early ninth century, by the time of Caliph Al-Radi, the Abbasid Caliphate was succeeded and thrived despite of having multiethnic and massive empire because of several capable advisors and caliphs. So, the major challenge the Abbasid faced was the multiethnic and massive empire. At the same time, Abbasid faced challenges of revolts from the North Africa and Persia and Harun Al- Rashid was removed from power by the Persian Barmakid family which was supposed to be source of many great advisors. After this event his son Al- Mamun continued with the caliphate (The Abbasid Dynasty: The Golden Age of Islamic Civilization). Al- Mamun tested and adopted mihna and Mutazili technology in their caliphate which was influenced by the Greek philosophy. It was compulsory to follow the theory or else they could be imprisoned or killed. It leads to the divisions between the Islamic people and Islamic sovereign that was exacerbate by his creation of his army only. The Persian governor ruled as a king and set up his own dynasty however he continued to identify the Abbasid. This continuation of trend of impendent governors as well as the cost of running massive empire and maintaining a large bureaucracy became major challenges for the Abbasid caliphate (The Abbasid Dynasty: The Golden Age of Islamic Civilization). To overcome with all such challenges, the caliphs granted tax-farms to military commanders and governors and Al-Mutasim expanded its own army called Ghilman. These slaves tried to rule over the people of Baghdad that resulted in the riots and anger of the citizens. Instead of trying to solve the situation, the caliphate moved capital from Baghdad to Samarra. This step was not accurate and the capital moved back to Baghdad by Caliph Al-Muwaffaq who guided the caliphate to new prosperity and hence, Abbasid power gained a new lease on life (The Abbasid Dynasty: The Golden Age of Islamic Civilization). Impact Of Their Rise To Power: The rise of Abbasid was very impactful not only to Muslims but also to neighboring Non-Muslim states. The major important factor in their caliphate was its openness to the people; previously which was subject to the rejection by the Umayyad Caliphate. The rise of the Abbasid Caliphate greatly enriched every field such as agriculture, trade, natural science, literature, astronomy, chemistry as well as mathematics (Rise and Fall, 2008). In context of the cultural values Amira K. Bennison states in his book The Golden Age of the Abbasid Empire that the rulers of Abbasids nurtured the civilized values in their caliphate which western civilizations so often claim to represent and inculcated (Bennison, 2009). During that period, Abbasids were trying to advance all sectors of the economy mostly due to the efforts of Muslim Persians working in those respective fields. In the beginning of their rule many different aspects of Quran were also flourished because of the new idea proposed by the Muslims as well as Non Muslims of the state. The openness strategy of their community lead to the innovation in technology with the implementation of new methods and ideas so that they overcome with their Arabian and Non Arabian counterparts and it reshaped industries into more effective and wealth producing industries (Rise and Fall, 2008). Under the rule of Harun al- Rashid, Baghdad became the most important centre for philosophy, science, education, medicine and the literature. It share contacts and borders with many distant empires to collect, migrate, expand and translate knowledge of other civilizations like Indians, Persians, Greeks, Chinese and Romans. The Indian numerals which have become standard in the western world and in the Islamic were aided in the scientific discoveries and mathematics. Other Scholars such as Al- Biruni and Abu Nasar Mansur made contribution in the development of the astronomy and geometry while Al-Kindi synthesized Greek philosophy and revolutionized mathematics with Islamic thought. Many important innovations were taken place in the region which was important reason for the growth and development and hence, today this period is known as the Islamic Golden Age. This impacted innovation and development in the Muslim as well as in the Non Muslim states. The process of imports and exports w ere enhanced with new ideas, rules, laws and policies. Literatures were developed with the contribution of many scholars and writers in all subjects such as mathematics, astronomy, economics or science. Similarly, improved method of agriculture, advanced farming and crop techniques was implemented that reduced the need for labor and increased the productivity that ultimately enhanced economic situation of the region and also of the neighboring region (The Abbasid Dynasty: The Golden Age of Islamic Civilization).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Poverty and Reproductive Health Essay

Poverty can be defined in many different ways. A condition characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and information. † When people are unable to eat, go to school, or have any access to health care, then they can be considered to be in poverty, regardless of their income. At the 2005 World Summit, the international community reaffirmed its commitment to cut in half the number of people living in extreme poverty by 2015 and achieve the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a series of time-bound and quantified targets to attack poverty’s root causes in a multi-dimensional way. The scale of the challenges, and the benefits of success to individuals, communities and the family of nation, are enormous: Global population is expected to increase from about 7billion today to 9. billion by 2050, and the population of the 48 Least Developed Countries will more than double to reach 1. 7 billion. Almost all of the net increase in population is occurring in the urban areas developing countries, and in many of them, the number of people living in poverty is rising. Moreover, the supportive development environment that prevailed in the early years of this decade is now threatened as the world faces a global economic slowdown and a food security crisis. At the same time, the effects of climate change are becoming more apparent. Substantial evidence suggests that slower population growth and investments in reproductive health and HIV prevention (particularly among adolescents), education, women’s empowerment and gender equality reduce poverty. Carrying out the Programme of Action adopted at the International Conference Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo and reaching its goal of universal access to reproductive health information and services by 2015 is an essential condition for achieving the MDGs. A central premise of the ICPD is that the size, growth, age structure and rural-urban distribution of a country’s population have a critical impact on its development prospects and on the living standards of the poor. Poverty is multidimensional: impoverished people are deprived of services, resources and opportunities, as well as income. The ICPD realized that investing in people and empowering individual women and men with education, equal opportunities and the means to determine the number, timing and spacing of their children could create the conditions to allow the poor to break out of the poverty trap. The countries in which poverty levels are the highest are generally those that have the most rapid increases in population and the highest fertility levels. Countries that have reduced fertility and mortality by investing in universal health care, including reproductive health, as well as education and gender equality, have made economic gains. A 2001 study of 45 countries, for example, found that if they had reduced fertility by five births per 1,000 people in the 1980s, the average national incidence of poverty of 18. per cent in the mid-1980s would have been reduced to 12. 6 per cent between 1990 and 1995. How do investments in reproductive health, education and gender equality reduce poverty? †¢Enabling people to have fewer children contributes to upward mobility and helps to stimulate development. †¢When women can negotiate their reproductive health decisions with men, this exercise of their rights leads to an increased decision-making role within families and communities that benefits all. Because smaller families share income among fewer people, average per-capita income increases. †¢Fewer pregnancies lead to lower maternal mortality and morbidity and often to more education and economic opportunities for women. These, in turn, can lead to higher family income. †¢As women become more educated, they tend to have fewer children, and participate more fully in the labour market. †¢Families with lower fertility are better able to invest in the health and education of each child.  Spaced births and fewer pregnancies overall improve child survival. †¢Sexual and reproductive health services are key to curbing HIV. The pandemic is killing large numbers of people in their most productive years, increasing the ratio of dependents to the working-age population. †¢Preventing AIDS-related disabilities and premature deaths translates into a healthier, more productive labour force that can improve a countrys economic prospects Many developing countries have large youth populations. Reproductive health programmes that address the greater vulnerability of adolescents to unprotected sex, sexual coercion, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, unintended early pregnancies and unsafe abortions, and enable young women to delay pregnancy and marriage are important factors in breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty. †¢Investments in reproductive health, particularly in family planning, that result in lowered fertility can open a one-time only ‘demographic window’ of economic opportunity.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Long Term Results of Earning My Degree

I believe that my long term results of earning my degree will be to help me find a job in my field of study. I think that the value of my education is priceless. I feel this way because you cannot put a price on education and knowledge. There is nothing greater than knowing that I completed my courses and could graduate from college. No matter what my age is when it happened. My personal plan for my academic future will be to graduate from my courses and earn my associates degree and possibly moving on to earn a bachelor’s degree.While earning my bachelor’s degree I can start to intern as an accountant and gain the experience necessary to further my career. I think that by doing these two things I will be more educated and qualified as an Accountant. With me gaining the experience and becoming more educated I will have a better chance for receiving a position that I have applied for because I do have the educational know how and experience. I have learned a large amount about being in a collaborative learning environment. I find this experience to be very helpful and have enjoyed working with my fellow classmates.They have allowed me to express my thoughts and views on a topic and also have helped my views and opinions to grow with theirs. I have learned so much from my classmates and I am very excited to continue on my journey. We have all worked together to gain a better understanding of the material. I learned that goal setting is an extremely important tool to help me achieve my degree. If I do not set goals I will never get things done. It is important to set smaller goals to help you achieve bigger goals. At any point in time you can adjust your goals to make them more attainable.The important thing to remember is to follow your goals according to plan, and be sure to stay on track. While taking this course I have learned how to better manage my time and try to eliminate as much stress as possible. I have made a schedule to fit my schoolwork , family time, and personal time in to my daily routine. I have found that if I do not stick to my schedule and do things according to plan I will fall behind and have to rush through things to get them done. If I do not effectively manage my time, especially while my children are in school, I have to stay up really late to get things done.If I can at least get done all my reading and notes taken while they are in school then it is fairly easy to go back and check fellow classmate responses to myself and reply to them. By doing this I am not only helping myself to get a better understanding of the material I am also helping my classmate as well. My top priority before I start my week is to get as much of my reading done the weekend before so that way when I sign in I just have to review my notes and posts my answers and responses.While I am reading I start my studying an make sure that I am taking accurate notes and I also print out the assignments so I am able to create a rough dra ft before I send my assignment to my instructor. I have learned that if I am starting to lose my concentration I will close my laptop and save what I was doing and return to it later. I do this so I can stay energized and focused, whether it is for only a few minutes or an hour or so. This the part that I really love about doing my courses online I can do it at my own pace as long as the work is completed by the due dates specified in course syllabus.I love that I can choose what way I study and learn making it personalized allows me to learn the way I am familiar with and what works for me. The resources offered to University of Phoenix students are extremely helpful. I cannot wait to utilize all of the resources. I know the one that I probably will use the most is the University Library. I say this because I will want to make sure my information that I use is credible and accurate. Another resource will be the Center for Writing Excellence, this tool will help me to check proper g rammar use, writing format, and help me cite the sources that I have used in academic work. Long Term Results of Earning My Degree I believe that my long term results of earning my degree will be to help me find a job in my field of study. I think that the value of my education is priceless. I feel this way because you cannot put a price on education and knowledge. There is nothing greater than knowing that I completed my courses and could graduate from college. No matter what my age is when it happened. My personal plan for my academic future will be to graduate from my courses and earn my associates degree and possibly moving on to earn a bachelor’s degree.While earning my bachelor’s degree I can start to intern as an accountant and gain the experience necessary to further my career. I think that by doing these two things I will be more educated and qualified as an Accountant. With me gaining the experience and becoming more educated I will have a better chance for receiving a position that I have applied for because I do have the educational know how and experience. I have learned a large amount about being in a collaborative learning environment. I find this experience to be very helpful and have enjoyed working with my fellow classmates.They have allowed me to express my thoughts and views on a topic and also have helped my views and opinions to grow with theirs. I have learned so much from my classmates and I am very excited to continue on my journey. We have all worked together to gain a better understanding of the material. I learned that goal setting is an extremely important tool to help me achieve my degree. If I do not set goals I will never get things done. It is important to set smaller goals to help you achieve bigger goals. At any point in time you can adjust your goals to make them more attainable.The important thing to remember is to follow your goals according to plan, and be sure to stay on track. While taking this course I have learned how to better manage my time and try to eliminate as much stress as possible. I have made a schedule to fit my schoolwork , family time, and personal time in to my daily routine. I have found that if I do not stick to my schedule and do things according to plan I will fall behind and have to rush through things to get them done. If I do not effectively manage my time, especially while my children are in school, I have to stay up really late to get things done.If I can at least get done all my reading and notes taken while they are in school then it is fairly easy to go back and check fellow classmate responses to myself and reply to them. By doing this I am not only helping myself to get a better understanding of the material I am also helping my classmate as well. My top priority before I start my week is to get as much of my reading done the weekend before so that way when I sign in I just have to review my notes and posts my answers and responses.While I am reading I start my studying an make sure that I am taking accurate notes and I also print out the assignments so I am able to create a rough dra ft before I send my assignment to my instructor. I have learned that if I am starting to lose my concentration I will close my laptop and save what I was doing and return to it later. I do this so I can stay energized and focused, whether it is for only a few minutes or an hour or so. This the part that I really love about doing my courses online I can do it at my own pace as long as the work is completed by the due dates specified in course syllabus.I love that I can choose what way I study and learn making it personalized allows me to learn the way I am familiar with and what works for me. The resources offered to University of Phoenix students are extremely helpful. I cannot wait to utilize all of the resources. I know the one that I probably will use the most is the University Library. I say this because I will want to make sure my information that I use is credible and accurate. Another resource will be the Center for Writing Excellence, this tool will help me to check proper g rammar use, writing format, and help me cite the sources that I have used in academic work.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Lab Report Essays

Lab Report Essays Lab Report Paper Lab Report Paper The arm may be a bent portion of the shaft, or a separate arm attached to it. Attached to the end of the crank by a pivot is a rod, usually called a connecting rod. The end of the rod attached to the crank moves in a circular motion, while the other end is usually constrained to move in a linear sliding motion. In a reciprocating piston engine, the connecting rod connects the piston to the crank or crankshaft. Together with the crank, they form a simple mechanism that converts linear motion into rotating motion. Connecting rods may also convert rotating motion into linear motion. Historically, before the development of engines, they were first used in this way. In this laboratory we will investigate the kinematics of some simple mechanisms used to convert rotary motion into oscillating linear motion and vice-versa. The first of these is the slider-crank a mechanism widely used in engines to convert the linear thrust of the pistons into useful rotary motion. In this lab we will measure the acceleration of the piston of a lawn mower engine at various speeds. The results exemplify a simple relation between speed and acceleration or kinematical restricted motions, which will discover. An adjustable slider- crank apparatus and a computer simulation will show you some effects of changing the proportions of the slider-crank mechanism on piston velocity and acceleration. Other linkages and cam mechanisms may also be used for linear- rotary motion conversion and some of these will be included in the lab Abstract The distance between the piston and the centre of the crank is controlled by the triangle formed by the crank, the connecting rod and the line from the piston to the centre of the crank, as shown in [ Figure 1 1. Cappuccino, Natalie Sherman/ 2008/ Pages 74 LAB EXPERIMENT NUMBER 12 The purpose of the Acid fast stain is to identify the members of the genus Mycobacterium, which represent bacteria that are pathogenic to humans. Mycobacterium has a thick, waxy wall that makes penetration by stains extremely difficult so the acid fast stain is used because once the primary stain sets it cannot be removed with acid alcohol. This stain is a diagnostic value in identifying these organisms. MATERIALS: * Bunsen burner * Hot plate * Inoculating loop * Glass slides * Bibulous paper * Lens paper * Staining tray * Microscope METHODS: 1. Prepared a bacterial smear of M. Schematic, S. Erasures, ; a mixture of M. Schematic ; S. Erasures 2. Allowed 3 bacterial slides to air dry ; then heat fixed over Bunsen burner 8 times. . Set up for staining over the beaker on hot plate, flooded smears with primary stain-crystal fuchsia and steamed for 8 minutes. 4. Rinsed slides with water 5. Decolonize slides with acid alcohol until it runs clear with a slight red color. 6. Rinsed with water 7. Countersigned with methyl blue for 2 minutes 8. Rinsed slides with water. 9. Blot dry using bibulous paper and examine under oil immersion * Mycobacterium Schematic * S. Erasures * A mixture of S. Erasures ; M. Schematic RESULTS AND DATA USED: 1. M. Schematic, a bacilli bacteria that colored pink resulting in acid fast. 2. S. Urges, a Cisco bacteria that colored blue resulting in non acid fast. 3. M. Schematic ; S. Erasures resulted in both acid fast ; non acid fast. CONCLUSION The conclusion to the acid fast stain is that S. Erasures lacks a cellular wax wall causing the primary stain to be easily removed during decentralization, causing it to pick up the countersink-methyl blue. This results in a non acid fast reaction, meaning it is not in the genus Mycobacterium. M. Schematic has a cellular wax wall causing the primary stain to set in and not be decolonize; this results in an acid fast reaction meaning it is in the genus Mycobacterium. REVIEW QUESTIONS Question 1: Why must heat or a surface-active agent be used with application of the primary stain during acid-fast staining? Answer: It reduces surface tension between the cell wall of the embarcadero and the stain. Source: Microbiology page 79 Question 2: Why is acid-alcohol rather than ethyl alcohol used as a decontrolling agent? Answer: Acid-fast cells will be resistant to decentralization since the primary stain is more soluble in the cellular waxes than in the decontrolling agent. Ethyl alcohol would make the acid fast cells non-resistant to the decentralization. Source: Microbiology A Laboratory Manual 4th Edition/ James G. Cappuccino, Natalie Sherman/ 2008/ page 79 Question 3: What is the specific diagnostic value of this staining procedure? Answer: Acid-fasting staining represents bacteria that is pathogenic to humans Question 4: Why is the application of heat or a surface-active agent not required during the application of the counter stain in acid-fast staining? Answer: The counter stain methyl blue is only needed to give the stain its color. Source: Microbiology A page 79 Question 5: A child presents symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis, namely a respiratory infection with a productive cough. Microscopic examination f the childs sputum reveals no acid-fast rods. However, examination of gastric washings reveals the presence of both acid-fast and non-acid fast bacilli. Do you think the child has active tuberculosis? Explain. Answer: Yes, the child may have active tuberculosis. Although, acid-fast microorganisms are not easily removed and non-acid fast are. Tuberculosis represents bacteria that are pathogenic to humans, the stain is of diagnostic value identifying these organisms. Source: Microbiology A Laboratory Manual 4th Edition/ James G. Cappuccino, Natalie Sherman/ 2008/page 79 LAB EXPERIMENT NUMBER 13 The purpose of this experiment is to identify the difference between the bacterial spore and vegetative cell forms. The vegetative cells are highly resistant, metabolically inactive cell types. The endoscope is released from the degenerating vegetative cell and becomes an independent cell. MATERIALS: * hot plate * staining tray * inoculating loop * glass slides * bibulous paper * lens paper * microscope 1 . The spore stain (Schaeffer-Fulton Method) is performed on a microscopic slide by making an individual smear of the bacteria on slide and heat fixing until dry. 2. Flood the smears with malachite green and place on top of a beaker of warm eater on a hot plate, allowing it to steam for 5 minutes. 3. Remove the slide and rinse with water. 4. Add counter stain seafaring for 1 minute then rinse again with water and blot dry with bibulous paper. MICROORGANISMS USED: * S. Erasures * S. Erasures B. Rues mix RESULTS/DATA USED 1. B. Cereus- green spores, pink vegetative cells, endoscope located in center of cell 2. B. Cereus S. Erasures- green spores, pink vegetative cells, endoscope located in center of cell CONCLUSION: An endoscope is a special type of dormant cell that requires heat to uptake the primary stain. To make endoscopes readily noticeable, a spore stain can be used. In using a microscope, under oil immersion, you will be able to identify the color of the spores, color of the vegetative cells and be able to locate the endoscope in certain bacteria like S. Erasures and B. Cereus. Question 1: Why is heat necessary in spore staining? Answer: The heat dries the dye into the vegetative cell of the spore. Source: Microbiology Lab Manual, 8th edition, Cappuccino Sherman, p. 85 Question 2: Explain the function of water in spore staining. Answer: The water removes the excess primary stain, while the spores remain green the water nines the vegetative cells that are now colorless. Source: Microbiology Lab Manual, 8th edition, Cappuccino Sherman, p. 85 Question 3: Assume that during the performance of this exercise you made several errors in your spore- staining procedure. In each of the following cases, indicate how your microscopic observations WOUld differ from those observed when the slides were prepared correctly. Answer: a. ) You used acid-alcohol as the decontrolling agent. The alcohol would wash out all coloring from the bacteria. Source: Microbiology Lab Manual, 8th edition, Cappuccino Sherman, p. 5 b. ) You used seafaring as the primary stain and malachite green as the countersink. Seafaring will absorb to vegetative cells and not endoscopes since you need heat for endoscopes to form and malachite green will not absorb without heat but it will to vegetative cells. Source: Microbiology Lab Manual, 8th edition, Cappuccino Sherman, p. 85 c. ) You did not apply heat during the application of the primary stain. Without heat, the endoscopes will not form and it will not penetrate the spore to color the vegetative cell. Microbiology Lab Manual, 8th edition, Cappuccino Sherman, p. 5 Question 4: Explain the medical significance of a capsule. Answer: The capsule protects bacteria against the normal phagocyte activities of the host cells. Source: Microbiology Lab Manual, 8th edition, Cappuccino Sherman, p. 7 Question 5: Explain the function of copper sulfate in this procedure. Answer: It is used as a decontrolling agent rather than water, washes the purple primary stain out of the capsular material without removing the stain bound to the cell wall, the capsule absorbs the copper sulfate and will appear blue. Cappuccino Sherman, p. 88 LAB EXPERIMENT NUMBER AAA The purpose of this experiment is to identify the best chemotherapeutic agents used for infe ctious diseases. S. Erasures is the infectious disease used for this experiment. MATERIALS: * Sense-disc dispensers or forceps * sterile cotton swabs * glassware marking pencil * millimeter ruler Using the Kirby-Bauer antibiotic sensitivity test method is used. This method Uses an Antibiotic Sense-disc dispenser, which placed six different types of antibiotics on an Mueller-Hint agar plate, infected with S. Erasures. The antibiotics are in the form of small, round disc, approximately mm in diameter. The antibiotics are placed evenly away from each other on the S. Erasures infected Mueller-Hint agar plate and incubated at 37 degrees Celsius for up to 48 hours. After the completed incubation time, any area surrounding the antibiotic disc which shows a clearing or an area of inhibition is then measured. Measurements are taken from the diameter of each antibiotic area of inhibition. This measurement will determine which of the antibiotics is best to be used against the specific organism. (In this case, S. Erasures) MICROORGANISMS USED: S. Erasures ANTIBIOTICS USED: Autocratic Erythrocyte Cylindrical Geocentric Fancying Linemen A chart showing the measurements of each antibiotic is used to determine its effectiveness. The three different types of ranges are: Resistant (Least useful) Intermediate (Medium useful) Susceptible (Most useful) The following results are: Zone Size Autocratic mm (Susceptible) Erythrocyte mm (Intermediate) Cylindrical mm (Intermediate) Geocentric mm (Susceptible) Fancying 13 mm (Susceptible) Linemen 21 mm (Susceptible) CONCLUSION: 4 of the 6 antibiotics above can be effectively used against inhibiting this organism (S. Erasures). This information would be passed on to the provider of the infected patient, so the patient can be given the antibiotic chosen by their provider and recover from this infection. LAB EXPERIMENT NUMBER BOB The purpose of this experiment is to evaluate the effectiveness of antiseptic agents against selected test organisms. MATERIALS: The materials used are five Traipses soy agar plates. 24-48 hours Triplicate soy broth cultures of E. Coli, B. Cereus, S. Erasures and M. Specialist. The microorganisms used were E. Coli, B. Cereus, S. Erasures and M. Specialist. The data collected in this experiment shows chlorine bleach having the broadest anger of microbial activity because it has the strongest ingredients. Tincture of iodine and hydrogen peroxide seems to have the narrowest range because the contents arent as strong. CONCLUSION: The Agar Plate-Sensitivity Method shows the effectiveness of antiseptic agents against selected test organisms. The antiseptic exhibited microbial activity against each microorganism. Question 1: Evaluate the effectiveness of a disinfectant with a phenol coefficient of 40. Answer: A disinfectant with a phenol coefficient of 40 indicates the chemical agent being more effective than the phenol. Source: Microbiology A Laboratory Manual 4th Edition/ James G.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Five Past Midnight essays

Five Past Midnight essays Towards the end of WWII, Theodore Roosevelt was having a meeting on how he could end the war. Director of the Office of Strategic Services (William Donovan) was summing up the war in 3 sentences. First, each and every day the war continued in Europe, 27,000 men, women report that the SS is preparing a national redoubt in the Bavarian Alp, where Hitler may be able to carry on for 2 or more years. Hitler had recently pledged that he will fight until five minutes past midnight. This is at a time when Roosevelt was failing in health and he was afraid Hitler would outlive him. Hitler was now a mad man that ranted and raved, thought everyone was out to get him (even his most devoted followers), spit ran from the corner of his mouth, he stayed underground all the time and he now had no use of his lest arm. It was at this time a plan was formed and approved to send someone to assassinate Hitler. The man that was to accomplish this was Captain Jack Cray. He was an apple orchard owners son from Wennatchee, Washington. He was a short stocky young man that could blend in with any background and could perform anything that was asked of him. He had no reason to fear death as he wanted to die. On his second wedding anniversary, he had drunk too much, gone off the road, killing his wife and losing his will to live. To him, dying would be a blessing and he would be free of the quilt. He now was in a POW camp of Coditz Castle, Saxony, Germany. The POWs were in the British wing. There was only one american that was known only as John. Only two of the British officers knew his real name. All the prisoners were told by the hidden radio they ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Bowman's Strategy Clock and Other Business Strategies Assignment

Bowman's Strategy Clock and Other Business Strategies - Assignment Example Bowman’s strategy clock is an extension of the three porter generic strategies. Owing to the decrease in the profit margin, pharmaceutical companies have adopted innovative marketing strategies in a bid to sustain and neutralize the impact of price regulation such as exploring new markets, establishing the effectiveness in distribution and building customer loyalty. Some of the challenges in the global pharmaceutical industry that the managers are facing include increased globalization, increase in competition, lack of new products despite the improved research and quick development of generic markets among others.The application of Bowman’s strategy clock in the establishment of competitive advantage among the global pharmaceutical companies will result in value improvement and product promotion with minimal reliance on drug pricing. This is because the industry is bound by legal and medical restrictions that make application of marketing strategies difficult. The stra tegy is normally focused on value, product promotion, and differentiation. Most pharmaceutical companies improve the value for their products while maintaining product standards or increasing prices for drugs. The industry ensures value for pharmaceutical products through conducting pharmaco-economic evaluations meant to show the efficacy and effectiveness of a new drug. For instance, a study on the cost of diabetes confirmed that fewer patients applied for pharmaceutical medicine in managing it (Holland, 2005: 552). This provided an opportunity for pharmaceutical companies to invest in disease management initiatives that created awareness among the population on the existence and effectiveness of their products.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Leadership Theory and Ms. Mayme Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Leadership Theory and Ms. Mayme - Research Paper Example He is either appointed by the senior levels of management or elected by the group. However, a leader can not have all the skills required of the role. The best situation will be to have as a leader someone who is flexible but firm. When it is required, he will let the leadership act to the others. According to Kouzes and Posner (1995), leadership begins where management ends. The management system of reward and punishment will give way to the innovation, individual character and the courage of conviction of a leader. Management skills alone are not enough to create success in an organization. Leaders are needed to seek out areas to improve. They enjoy challenges and taking them head on. Leaders are motivated and expected to challenge existing paradigms. The Theory X and Theory Y were first proposed by Douglas McGregor in his 1960 book The Human Side Of Enterprise. In his theory, there are two fundamental approaches to managing people. According to McGregor, Theory X is the authoritar ian style of leadership while Theory Y is the participative style of leadership.(Hindle, 2003) Theory X assumes that the average person dislikes work and will avoid it he/she can. In business, leaders must counteract an inherent human tendency to avoid work. Therefore most people must be forced with the threat of punishment to work towards organizational objectives. The average person prefers to be directed. He chooses to avoid responsibility. He is relatively unambitious, and wants security above all else.